Friday, 18 November 2016

Getting Referrals for Your PopAds

The second best way to boost your PopAds income is to get more referrals.
However, you don't need any referral to get more income from PopAds. But, if you really do, it definitely will be better for you.
You will earn 10% of your referral if he/she join as a publisher. You also get 10% from referral as an advertiser.

So, how do you get referral for PopAds?

There are various ways, you can ask your families, friends and others to join you under your link. Promote your referral link on social media like Facebook, Twitter etc.

Your referral link will look something like this

you can get your referral link on your PopAds dashboard under your referral center.

Boost your earnings by getting more referrals.

So what is next, do you want to know?

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